Politicos attempting math
Beware these stats and those using them
Slippery Stats

We all know that data is very en vogue these days, and not just in political circles. Predictably, this has led to a proliferation of squishy math, soft stats, and outright errors. So let’s go through some of the most common political math fallacies so that you too can ridicule others for making these mistakes. Because we all know public ridicule is the most effective form of instruction.

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When CO caucus attendance collapsed, one county weathered the storm
Case Study: Digital Advertising for Event Attendance

Using precisely targeted digital advertising the Gunnison County GOP was able to double caucus registration. Gunnison county ultimately had the fifth-highest caucus turnout of any county in Colorado. Their caucus turnout rate was more than twice the statewide average. All this while Colorado as a whole saw an 80% drop in caucus attendance.

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